Friday 14 January 2011

Audience Questionnaire

For this project I would like some other students to answer these questions to help me get a clear picture of what I need for my magazine and what I actually need to do to make my magazine seem professional and well presented. So please could you copy and paste this to answer the questions or simply comment on this post, thank you for reading.

  • Age Group ? : 14-16, 17-19, 20-22, 23+
  • What other magazines do you read ? : Q, NME, Kerrang!, Mixmag, Other
  • What gender do you think my magazine should be designed for ? : Male, Female, Both
  • How often should I release my magazine ? : Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly
  • How much do you believe my magazine should cost ? : Minimum of £3, £4, Maximum of £5 
  • Which of these gifts would entice you ? : Free CD, Poster, Download Vouchers, Other
  • What colours would attract you on the front cover ? (Please State)
  • Do you prefer alot of text or alot of images in one feature ? : more images, more text, equal
  • Do you prefer alot of text on front covers or alot of images ? : more images, more text, equal
  • What do you believe is my best option for a magazine name ? : Amplify, Sycosound, Downbeat, Volume, Magnitude

I have now printed ten of these questionnaires off and got the replies I needed, I would like to thank all the people who filled in my questionnaire you were all extremely helpful for my project.

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