Thursday 13 January 2011

Textual Analysis on other Music Magazines - DPS (Double Page Spread)

This is an example of a double page spread from NME magazine, I really like the way this page is displayed because of its grid design that neatly fits on and around the main image. All the text seems to overlap the image like for example the large text at the top that says 'The Teenagers', this slightly covers the right hand corner of the image so you can tell that this title is linked to this image. There is also a mix of different fonts on this page that are all used for different features like the black grid on the right that uses capital sans-serif text while in the other feature thats got a white background you can see that serif text has been used instead. The way all the text is presented in this article also adds to the decorative layout, its all in these cube sections beneath the main title and they have these coloured shapes that have a quote in them thats from the article I think this is quite a clever thing to do because it adds to the colourful layout and it shows a quote that the band have actually said themselves so the reader will want to read this if they are interested in this band. As well as a big feature on a new band there are also smaller features on other bands to the right with a black background, there may not be as much text with these bands but there still layed out very well and use up the space on the page in the best possible way, the last band is one of the editors picks so you get another paragraph which is actually a quote so it maybe from an interview with the band, this has a nice effect of having these large punctuation marks on each side of the interview, which is another colourful feature that I quite like.

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