Monday 14 February 2011

Written Interview for Double Page Spread

This is my finished interview that I will use on my final double page spread, I'm quite happy with it and I have plans on how I'm going to lay it out, hopefully it will work well.

With one of the best albums of the year and having two songs in the top 40 ‘Clear Glass’ insist that they have not hit their target yet and according to Philip James who we caught up with at his London home there plans for their next album will blow us away and we have no doubts at all. According to everyone they are the latest and greatest to come out of Britain and they’ve only done one album so far…

Philip James has had a revelation; he knew he was born to make great music and keep alternative rock alive, we caught up with him to talk about his achievements so far and his struggle to make his incredible debut album. On a cold afternoon in mid January, in a London apartment we all chatted to Philip about his career in music so far, his inspirations, his beginnings and what he was planning for the future. Unfortunately, the other members of the band were busy on the new album and he was staying a while to chat to us.
‘Clear Glass’ born out of the alternative sound of the 1990’s are the best newcomer band for a long time but will they persuade us even more that they are the band to be excited about. With the slight hint of cigarettes covering Phil, we got started for a long and perilous interview.

When did you first get interested in following a career in music?

Being a child of the late 80’s, I got into all the great British music of the 1990’s starting by listening to stuff like Blur, Radiohead, Pulp and Travis, I loved all of there stuff especially Blur’s ‘Coffee and TV’ with that great video. I knew I wanted to be like them, like Damon Alburn and Thom Yorke, they were both awesome and really had great ideas especially Alburn with Parklife and all of the new Gorillaz stuff he’s now doing. I knew the style of sound we wanted but we needed to be unique in some way to have something that Blur never had.

When did you start really looking at music was it school, college or before?

[Huge sigh] For me it was about nine, I started learning guitar when I was eleven and never stopped practicing, now I can’t hold a guitar without playing some tune I’ve heard somewhere.

So what have you got planned for the future?

Well, obviously we need to make the next album even better than our first which is going to be challenging but I believe we can do it, our first album had a lot of work on it because it was our debut and it took a while, we already have some great ideas for the next one, unfortunately for you we aint saying anything about the next album, were keeping it 'under the radar'.
Did you all want to be musicians when you were younger?

No, no, no I always wanted to be an actor or something but the odds were obviously against then again I was just a kid, later I wanted to be a writer, then a artist and after that finally a musician.

What band would you want to be as big as in a few years?

Personally I don’t like to compare us to other bands because most bands have a different style, I mean you can easily tell apart Radiohead from blur any day.

You all have your own sense of style, but who are your biggest inspirations?

Well as I said its all the stuff from the 90’s that I grew up with that’s inspired me the most. There are so many bands from the past and present that I love too you know, Beatles, Who, Queen, Zeppelin and U2

Well thank you so much for answering our questions, you've been great to chat to and all the luck for the future with you next album. Clear Glasses next album will be released in the next few month and is titled 'Under The Radar'.

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